Welcome To The Party, Pal
Welcome. Välkommen. Fáilte. Bienvenu. Shtory.

My name's Mark, owner and author of this insignificant blog on one small corner of the internet. Small corner or dodgy, dimly lit alleyway. It’s nice to meet you to meet you nice, as this man would say, God be good to him.

What this blog is all about…
For my first blog post I wanted to give a taster of what you will expect to see here. To clarify, it isn’t solely dedicated to John McClane/Bruce Forsyth trivia. Although that would be A1, Sharon. It’s looking fairly bare right now but over time this space will have a little bit of everything – primarily shite talk, short stories, poems, the latest current affairs, and random thoughts and whatnot.
Disclaimer: This blog won’t change your life. You won’t find a whole lot of inspiration. But you've no right to complain. You watch Love Island. Willingly. Yes, you do. Admit it. That’s one hour out of your life every night for a whole summer. The least you can do is read my insignificant blog once a month. You owe me that much.
Why blogging?
Purely for the money. For every word you read, I earn a fiver. No that’s lies. I’ve started this lonely pursuit because I like to write. I was six years young when I penned my first story which was well-received by critics (the mother). It was about a haunted mansion and it was called The Haunted Mansion. Not an overly creative title, I know. By strange coincidence, Disney released a mediocre film starring Eddie Murphy a few years later - it was also about a haunted mansion and it was called... yes... The Haunted Mansion. The neckkkk. Big Fat Liar vibes all over that one. I’m still waiting for my cheque in the post. My follow up story was about aliens or some shite. Can’t remember the name. That was universally panned by critics (the aul lad).
Writing was a hobby which came in fierce handy during lockdown when we could do fuck all else - the novelty of Netflix wears off fairly quick, there’s a lot of shite on it too. I think this will be the perfect outlet to flex a few creative muscles. I’ve also finished writing my first novel so I might promote that here. I would have plugged it on The Graham Norton Show but he won't return my Snapchats. Shneak.

Sound out
Lastly, I want to say thank you for being here and reading this first post. I’m grateful and hope you continue to follow along. Please leave any feedback or ideas of content you would like to see. Also remember to join my email newsletter below to be notified of new posts. You don’t have to join, though. Honestly, it’s grand. It’s up to you. Whatever you think yourself. Thanks again!
Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf***** - Bruce Forsyth, The Price Is Right, c. 1997
All the best,
*Die Hard Image by https://www.behance.net/TomMcWeeney