So, There's a Serial Killer In Your Home
A useful poem if a serial killer is ever in your home.
Here's a useful poem,
If a serial killer's ever in your home.
Don't scream and shout,
You big thick,
It could be one of the boys,
Playing a trick.
If it's a genuine murderer,
Who's not up for the bants,
Please, oh please,
Don't poop your pants.
Find a weapon,
If you can,
A knife, a gun,
A frying pan.
Running upstairs?
Terrible idea,
You'd be better off dead,
Or in North Korea.
Take a deep breath,
Remember to relax,
Then go lock yourself,
In the jacks.
The bathroom, unforch,
May not be free,
If that is the case,
Move on to plan B.
At this stage your head,
Is probably fried,
But don't give up,
Skeddadle outside.
Ring the Guards,
And report that crook,
Maybe don't look for sympathy,
On Facebook.
Forgive and forget,
Move on with your life,
The killer may have had motives,
Did you sleep with his wife?
Yes the chances of this happening,
Are somewhat slim,
The prospect, nevertheless,
Is quite grim.
So make sure to reference this useful poem,
If a serial killer's ever in your home.